Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Fee to pee and sit in Italy

You wanna pee?

Get ready with your coin.....:)

Get ready with small changes for  toilet

Florence, 29 July 2014

When you travel in Italy or maybe in other European countries, make sure that you always have a one- euro coin with you, because anytime you need to use WC (that's the sign they use) or toilet you have to pay one euro either to the keeper of the WC or to the machine that guard the door to the toilet. It is a good business indeed, since people can't hold their pee after a long trip, especially when we travel by a bus without any WC in the bus. However, there are a few WCs in the train, so that we can pee in the train for free. 

I just found out today (at that time) that the cost/fee for using toilet are different depending on where you are. It cost 0,60 Euro at the Santa Maria station. In that area next to Mc Donald, a lady with her machine charge those who want to use toilet. If we use one Euro, she will give change. It is a fact that the line to the lady's room is always longer than to the men's room.

The lady with the machine will give us a ticket to the WC

Later on at Il David, I found out that the cost of using a toilet is 0,70 euro. In that place you need to use the exact change otherwise you won't get the change since no one is there for that. (Insert a picture of toilet at Il David)

While in Venice, we have to pay extra one euro if we want to drink or eat inside a cafe. The waitress will ask us, "to go or here?". If we say here, she would say,"you have to pay one euro extra for that!"

Being tired from walking around, of course we would say, "okay!"

So, things are expensive and nothing is free. By this time I wrote this, I have been tired translating the prices into my own rupiah currency because they all are very expensive. 

Today, Wednesday 30 July, we had early dinner in one of the restaurant near the duomo. We had pizza, a quarter of rose wine. It was great that we had meals after such a long day of climbing 463 stairs to the duomo and another 414 stairs to the Campanile, the bell tower. 

When I asked for the bill, I expected to pay Euro 9 for the pizza + Euro 5 for the wine which made Euro 14. But the waiter brought us bill of Euro 18, I asked him if he made a mistake to his calculation. He said, "no, this Euro 4 is for sitting in our cafe"
"That's okay then", I told him handing him Euro 20 which included Euro 2 for the tip. 

So, life is not easy. Nothing is free. 

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